
Odin Coding Quest

Welcome to Odin Coding Quest, a monorepo dedicated to documenting my progression through The Odin Project curriculum. This repository is a structured collection of projects and exercises, each designed to solidify different aspects of web development, from the basics to advanced topics.


As a software developer with experience working on various projects, I recognize the importance of strong foundational skills. So I’ve decided to go back to the basics and revisit the fundamentals of software development, hoping to understand core concepts and fill knowledge gaps. This repository serves as a record of my journey, showcasing the projects completed and the knowledge gained along the way.

How to Navigate This Repository

Each directory is named according to the project it represents. Inside, you’ll find a README.md with details about the project, including objectives, technologies used, and reflections on the learning process.



While this repository is primarily a personal development tool, suggestions, and resources from fellow developers are welcome. If you have ideas on how to enhance this learning journey, please feel free to share.


This project is open-sourced under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.